Farthest Star Publishing is excited to announce the list of authors (in alphabetical order) for our anthology, “Leadership Gone Right”, and we’d like to thank each and every one of them for their exceptional stories!
Price of Allegiance by Alex Shvartsman
Rosie and the Galactic Ring Hunt by Angelique Fawns
In the Lair of the Snake-Witch by Darin Hlavaz
In Open Air by David Jón Fuller
The Regrets of Heroes by Dean N. D'Amico
Grey Clouds Over a Red Planet by Gustavo Bondoni
Technicality by Holly Schofield
We'd Like to Return This by James Mathis
Hacked Crowns by Jennifer Lott
Call The Launch by John Bredesen
The Orange Table in the Corner by Joyce Frohn
One Blue One Gold by Lezlie Kinyon
T.U. by Mark Best
Truth, Mimes, and Puppy Tales by Matthew Barron
The View from Stickney Crater by Rick Kennett
Thirty Minutes for New Hell by Rick Kennett
The Final Flight of Vice Admiral What's-His-Face by Russell Giles
Between the Chin and Collar by Shane Porteous

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